IOBA 2018 Newsletter
IOBA 2018 Newsletter Cover
The 2018 IOBA Newsletter has now been made available for all, after MEMBERS have received their hard-copy.
Please find below the LINK in PDF. This is as close to the printed hard-copy down sized to 939 KB.
IOBA 2018 Newsletter please click on this LINK to download to your;
Smart Phone/PC/Laptop :
It’s a sad fact that since its closure in 1995 the Indefatigable as we know it is no more. However, you can help keep the memories and all that the school stood for alive by joining the Indefatigable Old Boys Association.
Membership stands at 257 (Dec 2018), a tiny percentage of the number of boys who benefited from her. So please get involved and join up.
257 (+7 on same time last year) Members @ 31st December 2018
179 (+2) Paying members (68%)
53 Life Members (21%)
25 (-1) Honorary Members (10%)
27 (-2) Overseas Members 12% (out of UK)
6 Members joined last year
To pay your membership subscription, please click on this LINK : 2019/20