Indefatigable Liverbird 2020 Poster or Tattoo!
Following on from the last Post: The Indefatigable OBA Newsletter No1 Front Cover of the ‘Indefatigable Liverbird’ drawn in 1983, I felt that the IOBA for the 2020 COVID-19 reunion absence, would do something different!
My son Nick has drawn for you an updated version in Pointillism of the 1983 Indefatigable Liverbird, with the idea to either print to A3 size, or even as a tattoo!
The image below is in low resolution 335 KB but can be acquired in high resolution 10.1 MB from the IOBA Shop for a small donation of £5.00 which will go towards the 2020 MSSC Award (Awarded in 2021). I hope you like it.

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)
© 2020