
Archive for June, 2024

T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow SCC Photo Diary

T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness, SCC Photo Diary 11-June-2024

Indefatigable Old Boys, attend the following event and ceremony.


T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC SEA CADET CORPS – Win the 15th Indefatigable Trophy.

It gives us the greatest pleasure to congratulate ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN – Barrow-on-Furness SCC’ on being awarded the Indefatigable Cup for 2023 (awarded 2024).

Tuesday 11th June 2024: On Tuesday evening the TS Indefatigable Cup was presented to Barrow Sea Cadets for being the most improved Sea Cadet Unit from over 420 Sea Cadet Units nationwide in 2023!

The evening was attended by: The Mayor of Barrow, The Indefatigable Old Boys’ Association, C/O HMS Agamemnon Cdr Bring Crosby and many more from across the Barrow Community to mark the presentation of the TS Indefatigable Cup.

IOBA Secretary Joss Barns 1991-95 made a very special presentation to Commanding Officer of ‘T.S. SOVEREIGN the ‘Indefatigable Cup‘, known once as the ‘Merseyside Navy League – Swimming Gala Trophy’, and a monetary award on behalf of the IOBA.

Link: TO PRESENTATION Speech to follow

Other IOBA attendees: Tony Eastham 1975-76

Here is a selection of photos from the evening;

Indefatigable Old Boys Association (IOBA)

© 2024

Indefatigable – Old Boys Association 42nd Reunion 7th June 2025.

Indefatigable – Old Boys Association 42nd Reunion 7th June 2025.


The 42nd IOBA Reunion Dinner to be held on Saturday 7th June 2025 assembling by 19:00 hrs in the ‘1884’ bar, for dinner at 20:00 hrs.

Venue : The Hugh Owen Room, Bangor University Event Management Centre, Collage Road, Bangor, Gwynedd. LL57 2DG

Reunion Dinner Ticket price : TBC per person.

Details of the event to follow in due course.

© 2024

IOBA Committee Elections 2025 – 2028.

IOBA Committee Elections 2025 – 2028.

Being part of the Indefatigable Old Boys Association Committee is a great way to get more involved by keeping our HERITAGE alive, helping shape the direction of the IOBA and contribute to improving the association for others, so please seriously consider this.

In accordance with the IOBA Constitution the following Committee roles are up for re-election at the 2025 Annual General Meeting, date confirmed as Saturday the 7th June 2025. The roles are voluntary, open to full members of the IOBA and held for 3 years (2025-2028).

The FIVE roles are as follows;

The Chairman.

The Newsletter Editor & Assistant.

The Social Secretary & Assistant.

If you are interested in any of the roles and want to know more about the responsibilities then please speak to the current incumbents or the Chairman.

Contact details for the IOBA Committee can be found on our web page

If you wish to put your name forward for any of the 5 roles then please send your full name, Inde number and years attended and which position you are interested in, to IOBA General Secretary at


If you are not currently a member of the IOBA are thinking of joining then please visit our web site which has details of how to subscribe. The 2024 AGM reinstated the annual fee for membership which is just £15 per year (£10 OAP +65yrs), this goes towards the running of the IOBA which includes helping ex Inde boys, holding an annual reunion at JSMTC Indefatigable (old School) and various charity work. IOBA MEMBERSHIPS are requested JANUARY to JANUARY.


IOBA President & Committee terms (in order of change date);

2019 – 2025   Chairman: Andrew Butler 77/78.

2022 – 2025   Newsletter Editor: Owen Sutton 91/95.

2022 – 2025   Social Secretary & Assistant: Richard Lawson 85/88 & Elaine Humphries.

2023 – 2026   Treasurer & Membership Secretary: George Brown 91/94.

2023 – 2026  General Secretary: Joss Barns 91/95.

2024 – 2027   Vice Chairman: Wayne Houston 89/92.

2017 – 2027   Merchandise: Deborah & Ian Parr 74/75.

No Date  Honorary President: Sir Michael Bibby, Bt (M.D. Bibby Line Group).

No Date – Web Master : Owen Sutton 91/95.

No Date – The Robert Griffin Representative: Andrew Butler 77/78. (Chairman’s role).

No Date – Northern Regions Standard Bearer: Marc Hardman 1961.

No Date – Northern Regions Standard Bearer: John Aspinall 59/60.

No Date – Southern Regions Standard Bearer: George Brown 91/94.

No Date – SCC Award & Archives Secretary (records & assets): Steve Humphries 75/76.

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© 2024



The IOBA can help our less fortunate members, so that they are able to attend future Reunions!!

In memory of, the above assistance is known as ‘The Indefatigable Robert Griffin Award’.

As some people will remember, Robert Griffin 1974/76 was an inspirational Petty Officer & Drum Major, let’s pause and think about a great guy who gave his life for the defense of his country, the best spirit of the Indefatigable, RIP school friend and Brave Royal Marine.

Robert sadly lost his life during the closing days of the Falklands War in 1982 (age 22).

Foxtrot 4 – The Forgotten Falklands Wreck

THE AWARD FOR 2025 is now open for applications

Guide on the parameters and criteria to be applied for 2025;

Applicant to be decided by the serving IOBA committee.

Maximum Award to be £300. Nominees will be asked to submit an approximate overall costing to justify.

To include; UK Travel expenses / Accommodation / Reunion Dinner & Bar.

The Committee have set the following guidelines;
1) £300 max.
2) Must be a fully paid up member of the IOBA.
3) Not previously been to an AGM under the terms of this proposal.
4) Committee to decide on the IOBA Member to attend (along with a second choice in case the offer is declined).
5) Less Fortunate Members Representative to coordinate.

The IOBA can help members, but I must stress at this point, your ‘application will be decided by the serving IOBA committee’.

If you would like to take up the offer, please write/email to:


Andrew Butler 1977-78 / Chairman.

Mob: 07783596046


If you would like to make a donation, large or small, to the IOBA, you can do so via PayPal below… , thank you.

Link:  Donate to the IOBA

© 2024

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